My Journey
Welcome to my world of fashion ! Within these pages, I invite you to embark on a visual journey through my fashion portfolio. To show how I've built up my strengths , been creative through either design , buying , marketing and grown as a person in the fashion industry . I hope this will give you an insight as to who I am as a person , who I want to become and inspiration on this unique ever - evolving world of style . Welcome, and enjoy the fusion of art and fashion that defines my creative vision.
After always being intrigued by fashion , i found it started to enhance my confidence and all i wanted to do was learn more about the industry . I then began my study at the Fashion Retail Academy where I gained my extended diploma qualification I am now continuing this journey whilst studying fashion marketing and communications at University . My passion for experimenting with new styles is always growing and i am finally starting to feel like i have found myself and the surroundings that i thrive in . I want to continue combing both the creative side and commercial mind and begin to start my next journey of uni then into a career and if you are reading this i would really appreciate it if you could take a short look at my work to prove how determined i am to succeed .This website was designed by me to show all my projects in one place and hopefuly show how my skills have progressed from the start to the very end . Also showcasing how i have covered all different factors and areas in the fashion industry such as visual merchandising, marketing , branding , buying , fashion communications , promotions and styling alongside some research skills .